• 3 weeks stint with Selenium WebDriver 2.0

    Here are some learnings from working with Webdriver for past 3 weeks automating a website.1. Initial page loadingTypically the first page takes a longer time to load depending on how your site is designed.What we want to solve for- variable delays in different environments- detects that page is loaded in...

  • androidlib.py

    Added androidlib.py into moet. For more details, see Moet (MObile End-to-end Testing).NAME    androidlib - Library containing all Android common functions.FUNCTIONS    back()        Press back button        backspaces(num=1)        Enter backspaces        drag(fromX=0, fromY=0, toX=0, toY=0)        Move on touch screen from (fromX,fromY) to (toX, toY)        enter(string=None)        Press enter or enter string        home()        Press home key        menu()        Press menu key        playback(events='playbackfile')        Playback events        record(seconds=5, returnResult=False)        Record events         @param seconds length of recording time...

  • Using TestNG to drive WebDriver tests

    Found a way to use TestNG to run webdriver tests to solve for the following- opens browser only on the first test run- close browser only when all tests have finished running- tests can be run in eclipse and can reuse the same browser when running multiple tests at a...

  • Automating mobile applications - an experimental technique

    I made this presentation at BlackBerry DevCon 2010 just a few days ago. Capturing some of the key points here.This technique creates uses Python to automate native mobile applications using simulator libraries (also written in Python). How this works -Build a simulator library such as bblib.py, androidlib.py, iphonelib.py. The former...