Eing Ong
Capturing my learnings to share and remember
ABI Women of Vision Awards 2016
I recently represented Intuit, along with 8 other women engineers, to attend Women of Vision(WoV) Awards by Anita Borg Institue (ABI). This was my first WoV event and I was very impressed with the number of companies that were present. I managed to meet engineers from Pure Storage as well...
Using Data to understand behavior - Part 2
Another good use of data is to understand behavior in order to identify what we need to correct. If engineers are taking a longer time to understand, fix and add new code to a code base, it could be that the code has low code coverage, poor documentation and many...
Using Data to drive change in behavior - Part 1
I’ll talk about just two pieces of data that can help in decision making in this two part blog. I had to obtain different data for a Quality 6 Pager I’m working on, a narrative on our current state of quality, and our target state in the organization. This concept...
Git pre-commit hooks Part 2
In Part 1, I use “mvn test” results to determine if pre-commit should pass. This leverages many maven plugins that are handy and easy to customize for your requirements. There are 3 checks I added - FindBugs, Checkstyle and JMockit coverage threshold. Let’s get started with FindBugs first. FindBugs plugin...
Git pre-commit hooks Part 1
Git pre-commit hook is simply a script that is placed in every git project under {project_root}/.git/hooks/pre-commit. By default, .git/hooks directory is generated for every git project, containing all sample hooks. To activate it, you just have to remove the extension “.sample”. Here’s picture of my local .git/hooks directory, Now you...